I've been thinking about all the recent things I have to be grateful for. I’m extremely grateful. I was reading in The Valley of Vision the other day, which by the way, if you have never heard of it or read it, you should! It’s a book of Puritan prayers. I think that they are my thoughts and sentiments that I’m unable to express. They do it so much better and much more eloquently. One of the prayers is titled Living By Prayer and part of it says: “I can only succeed when I pray according to thy precept and promise, and to be done with it as it pleases thee, according to they sovereign will.” I know this is true, because I see it being worked out in my life and in the lives of other believers.
There is much to be joyful about. On Tuesday my Papa had a stroke. In just a few days the Lord has been so gracious to him and he is doing much better.
My sister and her husband Finally closed on a house.
Matt (my sister’s husband) did my taxes for me the second year in a row. That’s one of those things that you don’t know how to do or want to do by yourself.
I have sold enough of my t-shirts to pay back the production cost and made $275 profit towards my support.
I was able to speak at a Sunday School class last week at First Baptist Columbiana. I work in Columbiana and they were so sweet to have me and so interested in hearing about what I’m doing.
I am approaching my one time needs. Praise the Lord.
I registered for PFO training. PFO stands for Pre-Field Orientation and it is a two week training for teaching Third Culture Kids. This is in Buffalo, New York. I’m excited about learning how communicate and understand the kids I’ll be teaching. TCKs or Third Culture Kids are kids who spend significant time in one or more cultures that is not their own, in turn integrating that culture into their own, creating a third culture.
My friends and family encourage me consistently through this preparation period.
Approaching Easter, I'm reminded of what Christ did for us. Everyone is searching for freedom and we have it with Christ. It's by grace that we are saved and we have hope because of Christ.
Please pray! Pray for my Papa, for my support to continue to come in, for God to be glorified in all of this. If you would like to be added to my email list, or are interested in joining my support team, please email me! Thanks for your prayers and support. I'm so grateful.
love you heater!! thankful for you and the way the Lord radiates from you!!