Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

In a couple of days I will be home for a visit! I am so excited to see my family and friends! I will be home for a month, and then return to Nigeria.  My good friend Karenina is coming back with me for a visit.  I told her to bring all her things just in case she decides to stay. :)

I sent this out in an email, but wanted to make sure that everyone sees it.  If you would like to be added to my email list, please let me know!

Sannu! I hope this finds you well! I cannot believe that I am coming home this weekend! I am excited to share what life has been like in Nigeria over the past year as well as hear what has been going on in your lives.

I am also excited to share about what I will be doing when I return to Nigeria. I am transitioning from teaching at Hillcrest School to City Ministries. City Ministries has care centers around Nigeria for street kids and orphans. My focus will be in a village called Gyero. We are opening an educational center for the 100 boys and girls. We will be employing six teachers to teach Preschool through 5th Grade. We realize that this is a huge project. We would love and appreciate your help in providing resources for the center. Listed on the next page are resources that are hard to find in Jos. If you would like to help by purchasing some of these items, we would be so grateful. I leave to come back on July 20, so if you could get the items to me by July 17, that would be helpful.

We also need financial help. We will be providing six teachers with a monthly salary as well as providing desks, textbooks, and materials for the boys and girls. If you are interested in giving a one time or a monthly gift to the center, you can donate it to my ministry account with a note for Gyero Education. You can give online at My account number is 029555. If you have any questions, please email me at

Most importantly, please join me in praying for the boys and girls in Gyero! They have come from many different backgrounds and have had unusual and sometimes difficult experiences. We have the opportunity to provide them with a stable and loving environment and quality education. Thank you so much for your partnership in this!

Resources for Gyero Education Center

glue sticks
colored paper
wall stapler
dry erase markers
colored pencils
pencil pouches
felt tip pens
pencil sharpeners
children’s books
coloring books
small learning games
small items for rewards
soccer balls
jump ropes
math manipulatives
educational dvds
inflatable globe

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