Wow. I cannot believe how close it is to Christmas! We have 2 1/2 days and then we are out for Christmas break! My kids and I are definately counting down. Hillcrest has been crazy busy lately with Christmas programs. This past Friday, the elementary school had the opportunity to present City Ministries with all the items that we bought for them. The elementary classes held fundraisers to buy things like toothbrushes, flip flops, material for clothes, candy, and food. We were able to raise over 190,000 Naira, which is close to $1,500! It was so cool. Some of the kids from the care centers here in Jos were able to come and receive the gifts. Each group did a song and a memory verse and then some of of their stories were told. I think that it was awesome for the kids at Hillcrest to be able to raise money for these children, and then to be able to see them and hear some of their stories. Many of the kids from the care centers come from difficult and sad situations. It's so cool that they are being taken care of by people who love the Lord and are sharing that love with the children.
Sunday night was 9 lessons and carols. It was a sweet time of Scripture reading and hymns. This Wednesday night is the elementary music concert. I'm excited to see it. They are pretty cute.
I am expecting to get my car by the weekend! I'm so excited! I think it will make a big difference. I'm getting a Nissian Pathfinder. It will be good for driving around here. You can be praying for patience and courage. :)
I hope to do a better job with this over the next couple of weeks. Thanks for reading and thanks for praying. Merry Christmas!