Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Isn't it Cool?

Isn't it cool how God works? We have praise and worship night on Wednesday nights. Someone usually shares their testimony and we sing and have time of fellowship together. Tonight, my friend Rachel shared and so much of what she said was what I needed to hear. She was talking about the difference between a faith that is dead and faith that is alive. So often I get caught up in my daily needs and desires. I want to grow and go deeper. She shared this poem and I want to share it with you.
"I Will Not Die an Unlived Life"
I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear of falling
Or of catching fire
I choose to inhabit my days
To allow my living to open me
Making me less afraid,
More accessible
To loosen my heart,
So that it becomes a wing, a torck, a promise
I choose to risk my significance.

--Donna Markova

My prayer is that God would grow me and that I would make the conscience effort to live in the day that He has set for me. I pray this for you as well.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hello! The first nine weeks has come and gone. I spent all day last Friday conferencing with parents, and then we had a much needed week off for October break. A group of us went to Obudu, which is in Cross River State south of here. The trip was about seven hours, but went very smoothly thanks to Baba, our driver. We were able to have three days of relaxation and fun. It was good to be in a different setting. It was quiet and there was an abundance of fresh air, two things we don't have much of in Jos. We spent two days at the pool and one day of hiking.
School started back today. It was good to seek the kids again. Please pray for wisdom in teaching and that I would point them to Christ daily. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Not sure if you can see what is being carried on this truck. Inside, are cows and up top are donkeys. As well as a few Nigerians.
Our first night there...we ate at "The Ultimate Restaurant" in the village.

Just wanted to make sure that you see how awesome it is. :)

This was our view from the pool. No complaints.

Just a normal day in the village...:)

This is the view from Holy Mountain. There were only a few opportunities to take pictures because of all the fog.

View from our hike. The amazing thing is, is that there are people that live out here. They farm on this land. A bunch of teenage boys from the village came along on our hike. They were wearing normal flip flops and were running all over the place. They helped us by carrying our backpacks and showing us where to step. I was very thankful for them!

We hiked to this waterfall. It was quiet a slippery hike. But it was also quiet a nice view.

View from the President's villa. It was so cool to be above the clouds.

Dee and I on the cable car. Dee is from Texas and she is here to do discipleship with the kids at the care centers here in Jos.

View of a village from the cable car.

The view from the cable car. Amazing view!

Claudia, Karis, and I at dinner on our last night. These two kept me laughing most of the weekend.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My class on Independence Celebration Day.
Lisa and I. I am so thankful for her friendship. She's lovely. (I say lovely because she is from England and they say that. It's funny that I didn't really anticipate learning more about other cultures besides Nigerian, but it's been so fun and funny as well!)

Fun night of dinner and fellowship. Thankful for these friends.

Somewhat of a pyramid. My favorite part is the pile of chacos to the left side.

Tara and I (Tara is the first grade teacher. She is an encouragement to me!)

My sweet friend Grace and her husband Musa with their two girls, Jemimah and Sophie.