“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6
~What an encouragement these verses have been to me. He is enough for us and we have a beautiful inheritance with Him!~
I was able to spend just a few minutes with these boys. I met them when we were helping do relief work. SIM partnered with Global Relief to help 250 families affected by the crisis. Relief work is an amazing task. I was thankful to be a small part of the work that day.
With all that has occurred over the past two months, I find myself needing a fresh perspective on life here in Nigeria. When I think of my time with these boys, it is a great reminder of why I am here. We talked about what heaven will be like and how there will be no more fighting. Please continue to pray for peace in Jos.
Science Fair
Each of the classes in the elementary school had the opportunity to do a science project. The students shared their projects with other classes.
Selnan did research to find the most fertile soil in his area.
David told some first graders about his science fair project.
Praise and Prayers
Praisefor God’s protection
Praisefor God working in the lives of my students -They have been asking some great questions lately.
Pray for peace in Jos. Pray for the leaders of the city, state, and country.
Pray for the church of Nigeria.
Pray for the next three months of school. We have a lot of material to cover. Pray that the students and I would be focused.
Prayfor my transition from teaching at Hillcrest International School to working with CityMinistriesin an educational capacity next year. (City Ministries operates several orphanages I was privileged to be involved with over the Christmas holidays.)
Thank you for partnering with me. Please let me know how I can be praying for you.
Love in Christ, Heather